Friday May 21 2010
9.30- 10.30 Registration
10:30 Opening
10:45 Keynote: Jennifer Parker Starbuck
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Panel 1: Live and Mediated Subjectivity
14:30 Coffee
14:45 Panel 2: Posthuman Gender and the Uncanny
16:45 Coffee
17:00 Keynote: Rosemary Klich
18:15 Conference Dinner
19:30- 21:30 Performances
Saturday May 22 2010
09:30 Presentation by Paul Barker and Christopher Newell
10:30 Coffee
10:45 Keynote and Second Life Performance: Stelarc
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Panel 3: The Posthuman in (Music) Theatre
14:30 Coffee
14:45 Panel 4: Hybrid Encounters
16:45 Coffee
17:00 Plenary and closing session lead by Sally Jane Norman
18:00 End
Friday May 21 & Saturday May 22
Ongoing: Exhibition